Our Communities
Red Bay
Population: 225
No Cell phone service
No Highspeed Internet
Yes Post office
Yes Road access
Yes Convenience items
Yes Food service
Yes Gasoline
Yes Groceries
Note: Cell phone service is available in some parts of Red Bay. Dial up internet access is available or privately purchased satellite internet.
Travel by road to other towns...
West St. Modeste40 km(24 mi)
L'Anse au Loup54 km(32 mi)
Forteau69 km(41 mi)
Mary's Harbour85 km(51 mi)
Red Bay is one of the oldest occupied ports along the Labrador Straits. The earliest European occupants were Breton fishermen and Basque whalers during the 16th century. Four hundred years ago, Basque Whalers carried out a very large whaling fishery in Red Bay; at the time Red Bay was the largest whaling port in the world. This four hundred year old settlement not only possesses the oldest shipwreck north of the Caribbean (1565) but, because of the cold water, the best preserved shipwreck of the post medieval period anywhere in the world.
More Community Services...
For Children and Youth:
- Labrador Straits Family Resource Centre (Ages 0-6)
- Teen Stop Youth Centre (Ages 12 - 18)
Government Offices:
- Department of Natural Resources (Provincial)
- Parks Canada (Red Bay National Historic Site)
Public Services:
- Community Access Program (Public Internet Access Site)
- Red Bay Library
Recreation Facilities:
- Basque Memorial Gymnasium
- Red Bay Community Playground
Religious Institutions:
- Gospel Hall
- United Church of Canada
- Basque Memorial (K-12)
More Shopping:
- Accommodations
- Clothing: general
- Clothing: winter outerwear
- Crafts and gifts
- Hairdresser/barber
- Laundry service


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