The Region
The Economy
The economy of Southern Labrador is based on our natural resources, primarily the fishery. The biggest employer in the region is the Labrador Fisherman's Union Shrimp Company, which is owned by the fishermen and has processing plants throughout Southern Labrador.
Tourism is important to the area and has helped to drive the growth of our service sector. Our small business and service sector has also been growing due to the opportunities associated with the new road connection which connects Southern Labrador to Goose Bay, and the rest of Canada.
The public sector is a major employer, especially in health and education. Some skilled trade workers are employed in Southern Labrador and others have taken advantage of opportunities for employment in other parts of Labrador, the province, and Canada. This mobile segment of the workforce chooses to live and raise families in Southern Labrador and travel back and forth to their workplaces.

Other growing economic sectors include: forestry, small manufacturing, and mineral exploration.
For further information about the local economy, economic development, and business development in the sub-regions:

The Department of Innovation, Business and Rural Development (IBRD) have offices located in the communities of Forteau and Charlottetown. These offices are staffed by economic development officers who can assist in providing information related to economic and business development.
IBRD Forteau 709-931-2908
IBRD Charlottetown 709-949-0378


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