Our Communities
Port Hope Simpson
Population: 529
No Cell phone service
Yes Highspeed Internet
Yes Post office
Yes Road access
Yes Convenience items
Yes Food service
Yes Gasoline
Yes Groceries
Travel by road to other towns...
Mary's Harbour54 km(32 mi)
Cartwright189 km(113 mi)
L'Anse au Loup193 km(116 mi)
Forteau208 km(125 mi)
Port Hope Simpson is located on the south side of the Alexis River. It was founded in 1934 and named for Sir John Hope Simpson, an English Commissioner. Port Hope Simpson boasts a population of 535 and includes regular retail and public services including an airstrip and deep water port.

There are several government services available as well as many non-profit organizations and tourist activities such as hiking, camping, fishing, angling, snowmobiling, whale watching and icebergs. The main industries of the community have traditionally been the fishery and forestry. There is also a local pottery studio and various types of adventure tourism operations.
More Community Services
For Children and Youth:
- GAP Youth Centre (12 to 18 years)
- Junior Rangers (13 to 18 years)
- Rainbow Centre (0-12 years)
For Seniors:
- Seniors Weekly Social
Government Offices:
- Southern Star Employment Services
Health Services:
- Port Hope Simpson Community Clinic
Public Services:
- Community Access Program (Public Internet Access)
Recreation Facilities:
- D.C. Young School Gymnasium
- Outdoor Basketball Court
- Port Hope SImpson Recreation Centre
Religious Institutions:
- Anglican Church
- Pentecostal Church
- D.C. Young (K-12)
More Shopping:
- Accommodations
- Automotive service
- Bakery
- Clothing: winter outerwear
- Hairdresser/barber
- Marine Sales/Service
- Snowmobiles, ATVs and motorcycles


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