Schools in Southern Labrador
Education and Schools
The education system within Southern Labrador is governed by the organization, delivery and assessment policies of Newfoundland and Labrador's Department of Education. Local schools are part of the Provincial public school system and offer free education to all students in the kindergarten-secondary levels.
Most of the local schools are all-grade schools from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Our class sizes are small compared to urban areas and as a result have a low teacher/pupil ratio. Busing is provided for all children who live more than 1.6 km from the school. Provision for special transportation to school of students having special needs is provided upon the review of the Department of Education. Due to the small size of our schools, some secondary courses are offered via distance learning.

The map at right shows the locations of the schools in the region.

In Newfoundland and Labrador school starts in early September and breaks for summer in late June. There are breaks throughout the school year for school staff training days (also known as Professional Development Days), statutory holidays, Easter, Christmas and various other occasions.

For more information about schools, curriculum and assessments, please contact the school board for your community. The communities of Black Tickle and Cartwright operate under the Labrador District School Board, all other schools in the region operate under the Western District School Board.

The Provincial Department of Education is responsible for early childhood learning, the K-12 system, post-secondary education and skills training, and adult literacy. Detailed information about educational opportunities and the curriculum for our schools can be found on the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador website, on the Department of Education page.
Francophone Schools
While there are no francophone schools in the Southern Labrador region, students who are eligible to attend a French language school in Canada and are within busing distance, are able to attend school in Lourdes de Blanc Sablon, in the neighbouring province of Quebec.

For information about services for francophone students in Newfoundland and Labrador, go to the Conseil scolaire francophone provincial de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador/Francophone School Board of Newfoundland and Labrador website or call their office at 1-888-794-6324.
Post-Secondary and Adult Education
While there is no post-secondary institution in the region, distance learning is an option for adults who wish to continue their education while living in Southern Labrador. Many of our teachers and nurses have used distance education to get the courses they need to advance their careers. Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic both have well developed distance learning programs.

Memorial University: Distance Education and Learning Technologies
College of the North Atlantic: Distributed Learning Service


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