Recreation Programs & Facilities
Sports and recreation activities are an essential part of living in Southern Labrador. Recreation activities are the best way to make yourself feel part of rural communities. Whatever you and your family like to do, you will be able to find a community group within each of Southern Labrador's sub-regions providing a range of recreation activities.

Along with its great outdoors, Southern Labrador offers a wide assortment of recreational facilities including, school gymnasiums, indoor and outdoor rinks, small swimming pools, ski and snowshoe trails and community centres. The region offers a variety of organized programs, including minor and recreational hockey, ladies broomball, cross-country skiing and many many opportunities for your fun and relaxation. See below for a complete list of community facilities.
Local schools participate in regional and provincial sports tournaments. Some of the most popular school sports include: volleyball, basketball, cross country running, ball hockey, ice-hockey. Communities of the region host annual "Sports Weekend" normally during the winter/spring months, featuring events for both children and adults. See below for a listing of community and regional sporting events. Swimming lessons are available at the indoor pools in L'Anse au Clair and L'Anse au Loup. Karate classes are offered in the community of Blanc Sablon in the neighbouring province of Quebec.
Community and Regional Sports Events
Most of the communities in Southern Labrador host annual community sports weekends. Every three years, the Labrador Winter Games are held in Goose Bay with athletes from all over Labrador participating.

The Labrador Winter Games includes skill-testing events: Target Shooting, Dog Sled Racing, Snowmobile Racing, Cross Country Skiing, Snowshoe Races; indoor events such as Ball Hockey, Volleyball, Darts, Badminton and Table Tennis; and the Northern Games with traditional events, including the Seal Crawl and the One-Foot High Kick.

Communities also have organized indoor recreation events, including dart leagues and tournaments and community card games. Ball hockey and volleyball are popular sports in our community recreation facilities.
Organized recreation activities for youth include the Labrador Straits Games, minor hockey, Jackrabbit Cross Country Skiing, and children's events at the community sports weekends. Mount Naskopi Ski Club has a tubing hill as well as cross country and snowshoeing trails. Most communities also have developed walking and hiking trails.

For more information, check out the Festivals and Events listing on the Labrador Coastal Drive website.
Recreation Facilities
Black Tickle
- St. Peter's All Grade School Gymnasium
- Community Gymnasium
- William Gillet Academy School Gymnasium
- Community Recreational Centre
- Mount Nascopi Ski Club
- Tube Slide
- Forteau Playground
- Outdoor Basketball Court
- Outdoor Baseball Field
- Gymnasium (located in town hall)
L'Anse au Clair
- L'Anse au Clair Swimming Pool
- L'Anse au Clair Community Center Gym
- Outdoor Playground
- Outdoor Skating Rink
- Outdoor Softball/Baseball Field
L'Anse au Loup
- Labrador Straits Arena
- L'Anse au Loup Swimming Pool
- L'Anse au Loup Playground
- Outdoor Basketball Court
- Outdoor Baseball Field
- Gymnasium (located in Labrador Straits Academy school)
Lodge Bay
- Recreation Centre
Mary's Harbour
- School Gym (available to public after school hours)
- Raymond Rumbolt Recreation Centre
- Pinware Provincial Park
Port Hope Simpson
- Port Hope SImpson Recreation Centre
- D.C. Young School Gymnasium
- Outdoor Basketball Court
Red Bay
- Red Bay Community Playground
- Basque Memorial Gymnasium
St. Lewis
- St. Lewis Academy School Gymnasium
West St. Modeste
- West St. Modeste Playground


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